Mae'r faner fawr ym mlaen
Mae'r faner fawr yn mlaen
Mae'r faner yn y blaen

1,(2,3),4,5;  1,3,(4),5.
(Buddogoliaeth yr efengyl)
  Mae'r faner fawr ym mlaen,
    Efengyl Nef yw hon;
  Mae uffern lawn o dân,
    Yn crynu ger ei bron;
Hi gwymp, hi gwymp, er maint ei grym,
O flaen fy Iesu 'dyw hi ddim.

  Fe bwysa hoelion dur,
    Fe bwysa coron ddrain
  Ar ben Tywysog nef,
    Euogrwydd mwya' rhai'n:
Rhyfeddod yw, dewch gwelwch hyn,
Y mwyaf du yn fwyaf gwyn.

  Caned a welodd wawr
    Yn codi o'r t'wyllwch du;
  Caned a brofodd flas
    Grawnsypiau'r Ganaan fry;
Ni ddown, ni ddown, i Seion fryn,
Er maint yr holl anialwch hyn.

  Na lwfrhaed ein ffydd;
    Mae'n ffydd fel colofn dân
  A blanodd Brenin nef
    I'n harwain yn y blaen;
Mi wela'r wlad, mi ga'i mwynhau,
Lle pery'm hedd heb dranc na thrai.

  O! ffynnon fawr o hedd,
    O! anchwiliadwy fôr,
  Sy'n cynnwys ynddo'i hun
    Ryw annherfynol stôr;
Ti bia'r clod; wel cymmer ef,
Trwy'r ddaear, uffern fawr, a'r nef.
Mae'r faner fawr ym/yn mlaen :: Mae'r faner yn y blaen

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [666688]:
Beverley (The Psalms of David 1791)
Burnham (Thomas Clark 1775-1859)
Croft (William Croft 1678-1727)
Normandy (alaw Seisnig)
Rhosymedre (John David Edwards 1805-55)

gwelir: Caned a welodd y wawr

(The victory of the gospel)
  The great flag is ahead,
    The Gospel of Heaven is this;
  Hell full of fire, is
    Trembling before him;
It falls, it falls, despite its force,
Before my Jesus it is nothing.

  Steel nails press,
    A crown of thorns presses
  On the head of the Prince of heaven,
    The guilt of the greatest ones:
Amazing it is, come ye see this,
The most black being the most white.

  Let them sing who saw the dawn
    Rising from the black darkness;
  Let them sing who experienced a taste
    Of the grape-clusters of the Canaan above;
We will come, we will come, to Zion hill,
Despite the extent of all this wilderness.

  Let our faith not be disheartened;
    Our faith is like a pillar of fire
  Which the King of Heaven planted
    To lead us forwards;
I will see the land, I will get to enjoy it,
Where my peace will endure without dying or ebbing.

  O great well of peace,
    O unsearchable sea,
  Which is included in itself
    Some unending store;
To thee belongs the praise; now take it,
Throughout the earth, great hell, and heaven.
The great flag is ahead :: The flag is ahead

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The standard is ahead
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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